Overview: From beautiful architecture to intricate traditional garb, the Armenians over a span of 8,000+ years have created an ancient culture which eloquently reflects the creative and innovative nature of these neolithic in origin race of people.
- Part 1, Armenian garb
What did Armenians wear before the 21st century? Why did they wear what they did? and what function did each part of the garb serve? are all questions that come to mind when the topic concerning Armenian garb comes up. Armenia used to encompass vast territories before the Armenian genocide of 1915 perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish government, which meant that, each region in both western and eastern Armenia had it's own unique style of dress. Alot of Armenian styles of dress were adopted by the neighboring Kurds, Turks, Greeks, and Assyrians.
Western Armenian garb by region:
- Kars:


-Diyarbakir (Dikranagerd):

-Adana :


-Mush/Bitlis/Sasun :

-Erzurum :

-Sivas (Sebastia) :

-Trabzon/Hamshen :

Eastern Armenian garb by region:
Gyumri :

-Akhalkalak :

-Yerevan :

-Nakhijevan :

-Artsakh :

-Baku :

- Part 2, Armenian Carpets
What did Armenians weave and adorn their homes/buildings with ? and still continue to do so to this day ? Armenian carpets of course! Each carpet is woven with pride, using wool threads and exquisite colors, made from berries, red worms, and various other plants. Armenian carpets usually have woven onto them; various geometric patterns and aspects of nature. Each region in Armenia has it's own unique style of carpet and they're usually a reflection of the nature/culture of that particular region. Armenians have been weaving carpets for thousands of years, thus making it a very important aspect of the Armenian heritage.

- Part 3, Armenian Cuisine
The Armenians Highlands, since antiquity, has been known for being the catalyst from where the production of dairy, production of wine, and domestication of animals spread to other parts of the world. For example, the worlds oldest winery was discovered in a cave in the Areni region of Armenia and is dated to be 6,100 years old, thus proving that the ancient Armenians were the first to ferment grapes into wine. Apart from the aformentioned, evidence of the oldest animal domestication is mostly abundant in the Armenian Highlands, due to discoveries of ancient Armenian sculptures and cave paintings depicting cow domestication.